Good questions often have more than one good answer…

I was in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania recently as the keynote speaker at a conference of about 300 people. I told the story of Waddie Welcome and the Beloved Community to start the conference and had a couple of breakout sessions later in the day.


At the breakout sessions, I asked people “to think of questions that allow us to explore the story of Waddie Welcome and the Beloved Community in a rich and rewarding way.”


I have recently learned this teaching trick of asking the group to find their own questions. It encourages more active learning and less control from the front of the room. Here are three of the questions that came from people in the group:


How can we find ways to help people welcome each other into one another’s lives?

Why do we tend to fear differences rather than welcome and celebrate them?

Who do I know who could become an unexpected teacher for me, if I would allow them the opportunity?


One sign of a good question is that it has many answers. Another is that the question itself, if considered each day, would lead to good things happening in our world.


All three of these questions do both these things.

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