Tawana Garrett

Tawana Garrett, partner at Lead Local Consulting, was a County Field Director for Political Flight Funds, Volunteer Coordinator and Campaign Manager on various campaigns. She has been elected to seats on local, state, and national party committees and affiliations. In 2010 and 2012, Tawana ran for local office and gained invaluable experience as being a candidate. Following in her grandfather’s footsteps, she enlisted the United States Army. While in the Army Tawana had the honor of serving as a Chaplin Assistant. She then attended South Carolina State and she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. Later, Tawana attended Georgia Southern and received her Master of Arts in Professional Communication and Leadership. Tawana also serves as President of her HOA, is a member of the Junior League of Savannah, and an advocate for many people in the community.