Who becomes a Citizen Advocate? What do they do?

  People often ask, “Who becomes a citizen advocate? What do they do?”    Here are seven short stories, gleaned from recent conversations.   Sandy Hopkins, an advocate for less than one year, has been helping his protégé’s family negotiate with the public school system with the hope that their son can soon attend school in his Wilmington Island neighborhood

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What’s it like to be a citizen advocate? What’s it like to have a citizen advocate?

Tom Kohler asked several long time citizen advocates and several proteges matched with citizen advocates in Savannah to share their insights with some folks newly involved…   What does it feel like to be an advocate? What would you want prospective advocates, or people very newly involved to hear?   “You really don’t know very much about what you are

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The Citizen Advocate: Spring 2011 News

Chatham-Savannah Citizen Advocacy is a 32 year old Savannah-based non profit that recruits, matches and offers support to over 125 local citizens who engage in one-to-one citizen advocate matches to offer protection from neglect and harm and advocacy for inclusion and better civic and social opportunities for citizens with developmental disabilities in our community.   Citizen Advocacy is built upon

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