What’s it like to be a citizen advocate? What’s it like to have a citizen advocate?

Tom Kohler asked several long time citizen advocates and several proteges matched with citizen advocates in Savannah to share their insights with some folks newly involved…   What does it feel like to be an advocate? What would you want prospective advocates, or people very newly involved to hear?   “You really don’t know very much about what you are

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The Citizen Advocate: Spring 2011 News

Chatham-Savannah Citizen Advocacy is a 32 year old Savannah-based non profit that recruits, matches and offers support to over 125 local citizens who engage in one-to-one citizen advocate matches to offer protection from neglect and harm and advocacy for inclusion and better civic and social opportunities for citizens with developmental disabilities in our community.   Citizen Advocacy is built upon

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Looking forward to Springtime…

As we welcome Springtime in Savannah, let’s revisit the purpose we share under the banner of Chatham-Savannah Citizen Advocacy.   Our shared purpose is to provide protection to and advocacy for people who are marginalized because of prejudice toward disability. We bring people who would not ordinarily meet into meaningful relationship with one another. We have done this for more

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WWBC in Cincinnati… guest blog by Dave Murley

As part of the Waddie Welcome Martin Luther King Jr. Day Worldwide Read, groups of people have been reading the story together in each other’s homes, churches, community centers and coffee shops. Here is a reflection from a coffee shop reading in Cincinnati.   “I would walk away a changed man…” — Dave Murley   Several weeks ago, April and

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Norton Melaver passed away last week. The story of his role in the Savannah community was shared on the front and editorial pages of the Savannah Morning News. Both spoke of his business, religious and civic leadership.   I attended Mr. Melaver’s funeral on Sunday and saw many people that are part of “my” Savannah. All three of the Melaver

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